Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Spelling Words

1.                   burn
2.                   church
3.                   surprise
4.                   hamburger
5.                   burst
6.                   Saturday
7.                   Thursday
8.                   target
9.                   cracker
10.         thirsty
11.       bats
12.     ghosts
13.     witches
14.     worms
15.     scarecrow
16.     Frankenstein
17.     werewolf
18.     brew
19.     caldron
20.    pumpkin

Bold Words Are BONUS Words

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day of the Dead

Hey parents I just wanted to throw this idea out.... The Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday that is celebrated around the 1st of November......I was interested in talking about this with the Second graders because it is one more way for them to get perspective on other cultures and cultural holidays. This holiday is celebrated as a way to celebrate and honor those that have passed away, it is not a Halloween thing nor is it a day where anything "weird" happens- families get together clean a loved ones grave site, reconnect with family and socialize. There are many great family traditions that go along with this, people that celebrate cook, eat and discuss the times they had with a loved one and just honor the life that people had.

I would be reading a book about it from our library and then the students would color in a "sugar skull", these are created all over Mexico during this time and they are just colorful decorations that have designs on them- I have no intention of this becoming a morbid activity- but a way for your student to learn about another culture. Please give me some feed back on this or if you would like more information I can direct you to the links below!

Thank You

Mrs. Wills

National Geographic  - This is kid friendly

Celebrating Day of the Dead - This is more of an adult read but gives you much more information than I plan on presenting in class

Red Ribbon Week ~ Be Drug Free


Next week, October 28th- 31st is Red Ribbon Week

Here is what the students can do participate!!

Monday: Give drugs the boot!
-Wear boots to school

Tuesday: Band together against drugs!
-Wear headbands to school

Wednesday: Sock it to drugs!
-Wear crazy socks to school

Thursday: Drugs are scary!
-Costume day!!!! Wear your Costume~

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Parent Teacher Conferences!!! October 29th

Hey Parents- I just quickly need to know what your plan is for parent teacher conferences, if you can come- can't make it or feel like your child is doing just fine! Either way just let me know I will be available from 4pm- 7pm the night of the 29th!!!

Parent Teacher Conference Sign Up Sheet

Monday, October 21, 2013

Forgotten Homework

Parents we had a few kiddos forget their "project" from the weekend this is due by tomorrow it is a test grade, please help them remember!!

Mrs. Wills


8 of these... they are pretty small 5x5 0r 6x6 I think....

A few small needs for the class!!

Thank you so much for all the cans and tissue rolls!! I am always surprised by how many items I get when I ask for them!!

The next few things we need are items that have a cost but I do not expect everyone to go out and buy them, if you happen to be out and about and think of these then that is great if not that is just fine!

We need 6- 1 1/2 inch binder with clear covers on each side (colorful ones are preferred)

               4- Tubs if you can get ones that are different colors that would be great! I purchased this one at the Dollar Store (I didn't realize how handy they are!)

               8- Small tubs pictured below in different colors-- Again a Dollar Store purchase~~

I have put images of the bold items on another post Labeled CONTAINERS!!

Thank you all soooo much for all of your contributions I greatly appreciate everything you help out with~

Halloween Information

Dear Parents!
For our Halloween party we are trying to earn a movie, if we get 45 Dojo points we can watch one! We have picked out Hotel Transylvania to watch. It is rated PG Please sign this permission slip if you WILL ALLOW me to watch the movie in class!

I _______________________________________ give my child____________________________________ premission to watch Hotel Transylvania in school for the Halloween Party Oct. 31st 2013.
I Will also be gone on that day and could use a few people to volunteer and if you could make some snacks to help out that would be fabulous.

_______ I can help with the Halloween party at 2:00 p.m
___ I can bring treats! ____________________
~Please list what you have in mind!
____ I can bring juice or soda!__________________
~Please list what you have in mind!

Your child is allowed to dress up but please nothing too scary or frightening!!

Spelling Words

Spelling Words
~Bold words are challenge words!!!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Oct 7th Spelling Words

scarcity                   ~bold words are bonus words!!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Busy week and Long days!

Hi Parents!

I will of course be sending home newsletters today, however my space is limited on these so I thought I would elaborate on a few things.

First we will not have school the 17-18th because of MEA/ MFT these are PIR days!
Second we will have Parent Teacher Conferences the last week of October- I will be gone the Wednesday the 30th and Thursday the 31st...... I still would like to have a class Halloween party, if you are interested in helping out with that I would greatly appreciate it! It will not be anything big, just a afternoon of fun centers and games, some candy, dressing up and maybe a movie. Please email me or leave a comment if you are interested in helping out with this!!
Third- AR testing is closing for the quarter/ semester the third week of October, I believe it is on the 24th I will double check this YOUR student picked out the amount of points they wanted to get...... If you have any questions about their points please feel free to contact me!

Last but not least- this was a very busy week and we had to fit a lot in, so enjoy the weekend (hopefully homework free)!!

Mrs. Wills